DeviceMaster Modbus Server Firmware and Software

After programming the IP address into the DeviceMaster Industrial Gateway, you are ready to upload or update the DeviceMaster Industrial Gateway with the Modbus Server firmware.

The DeviceMaster Industrial Gateway family includes DeviceMaster UP and DeviceMaster MOD models.

Depending on the model you purchased, it may or may not have Modbus Server loaded. The DeviceMaster UP may contain SocketServer, the default application from the factory. Models that have a protocol loaded on the DeviceMaster UP are identified in PortVision DX and the DeviceMaster UP is labeled accordingly.

DeviceMaster MOD models are loaded with Modbus Router by default, unless special-ordered with Modbus Server.


Use PortVision DX to upload the DeviceMaster firmware files or optionally, the Firmware Uploader Utility for Linux.

There are two versions of PortVision DX. Older hardware with older firmware versions are typically served better using v3.05 and newer hardware with newer firmware versions require the latest version of PortVision DX.


Modbus Server firmware

Requires Windows XP SP3 or higher

Locate the previous version


Install from CD


You must upload Modbus Server firmware on the DeviceMaster Industrial Gateway using PortVision DX before configuring the serial ports.

Refer to the Modbus Server User Guide for detailed information about Modbus Server and configuration.

For secure configuration procedures, see the DeviceMaster Secure Configuration User Guide.




Bootloader is the RedBoot operating system that runs the device during the power on phase, which then starts the default application on the DeviceMaster Industrial Gateway.

You should check the Bootloader version and if necessary, update Bootloader.

Depending on the serial number of your DeviceMaster, you may need to use a minimum bootloader version due to a hardware update. You can also determine the minimum Bootloader version using the MAC address.

You can review the firmware History file for the latest updates and enhancements.

Serial COM Port Redirector

Requires Windows XP SP3 or higher



Refer to the help system in the secure port redirector for detailed information.


Pepperl+Fuchs Comtrol, Inc. recommends verifying that the DeviceMaster Industrial Gateway contains the latest Modbus Server version before configuring serial ports.

You can check the firmware version on the DeviceMaster Industrial Gateway if Modbus Server was loaded on the DeviceMaster Industrial Gateway and if necessary, upload the latest version of Modbus Server using PortVision DX.

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