Configuring IO-Link Devices with the IO-Link Master PNIO Series


There are two methods that you can use to edit IO-Link device parameters on the Attached Devices | Port page.

Using the IO-Link Device Description Table (GUI) to Edit Parameters

Use the following procedure to edit IO-Link device parameters. Many IODD files support the ability to reset to factory defaults or to send or clear system test commands. System commands appear in the IO-Link Diagnostics page.

You can refer to the Changing IO-Link Device Parameters Using the IO-Link Device – Port Table Tech Tip if you want more detailed information.

  1. Click Attached Devices | Port that corresponds to the IO-Link device that you want to configure.

  2. Click the EDIT button.

  3. Change the parameters as needed.

    If using a Reset to Factory or Reset Settings button, make sure that you click CANCEL after acknowledging the Command executed message. If you select SAVE instead of CANCEL, the settings revert to the settings before executing the Reset to Factory button.

  4. Click the SAVE button. In the event, an incorrect parameter was entered, the IO-Link Master provides an error message that includes the Index number where the error has occurred.

  5. After a few moments, you can click the REFRESH button to review updated information about the IO-Link device.

  6. Optionally, enable the data storage feature on the Configuration | IO-Link page.

Using the IO-Link Device Description Table (GUI) to Execute Commands

Use the following procedure to execute IO-Link device commands available through the IODD file. Many IODD files support the ability to reset to factory defaults or to send or clear system test commands. System commands appear in the IO-Link Diagnostics page.

  1. Click Attached Devices | Port that corresponds to the IO-Link device that you want to configure.

  2. Click the COMMAND button.

  3. Click the command button that you want to execute.

  4. Click the OK button to the Refresh the contents of the table so that you can verify that the change was implemented.

Configuring Parameters Using the IO-Link Device ISDU Interface (IODD File Loaded)

  1. Click Attached Devices | Port that corresponds to the IO-Link device that you want to configure.

  2. Open the IO-Link Device ISDU Interface by clicking the plus sign (+).

  3. Enter the ISDU Block Index.

    You must enter the decimal value for the ISDU Block Index and ISDU Sub-index.

  4. If applicable, enter the ISDU Sub-index.

  5. Optionally, click the GET button to retrieve the current value and to determine the correct data length.


    The IO-Link Device ISDU Interface responds with the hex value of the parameter.

  6. Change the parameter as needed.

  7. Click the SET button to load the parameter onto the IO-Link device.

    The IO-Link Device ISDU Interface responds with a command executed message. If the parameter is outside of the defined range, an other failure (write) error displays.

  8. Repeat Steps 2 through 7 for each parameter that requires changes.

  9. After changing the parameter, click the REFRESH button and review your changes.

Using the IO-Link ISDU Interface (No IODD File Loaded)

Editing parameters with the GUI in the top portion of the Port pages are not supported without loading an IODD file for the IO-Link device supported by the device vendor.

  • If an IODD file had been loaded, you can edit parameters using the GUI or the IO-Link Device ISDU Interface (bottom of the page).

  • If an IODD file has not been loaded, you can use the IO-Link Device ISDU Interface if you have the Operator's Manual for the IO-Link device that contains the ISDU index definitions.

You can use the following procedure to change an IO-Link device's parameters.


You will need to convert hexadecimal ISDU index numbers to decimal.

  1. Click Attached Devices | Port (corresponding port number for the device you want to configure).

  2. Click OK to the Unable to load the IO-Link device configuration! message.

  3. Enter the decimal equivalent of the ISDU Block Index number of the parameter that you want to change.

  4. If applicable, enter the ISDU Sub-index number.

  5. Click the GET button.

    The IO-Link Master returns the value in stored in the register.

  6. Highlight the returned value and type in the hex value for the parameter setting that you want to change.

  7. Click the SET button.

    • If a valid value was submitted, the IO-Link Master returns a command executed message.

    • If the value did not meet the ISDU index setting range, an other failure (write) message displays.

If you do not need to retrieve the current value for an ISDU Index, you can skip that step and merely enter the value and click the GET button.

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