IO-Link Master PNIO Series Configure Step 7/TIA Portal


Use the Chapter titled, Configuring the IO-Link Master with Step 7 in the IO-Link Master PROFINET IO and Modbus/TCP User Guide for detailed configuration procedures.

Step 7 configuration requires these steps:

  1. Download, unzip, and install the GSD file for the IO-Link Master.

  2. Insert the IO-Link Master in the PROFINET IO system.

  3. Assign the IP address for IO-Link Master.

  4. Assign the PROFINET Device Name.

  5. Set the Device Update Time.

  6. Configure the IO-Link port settings.

    • If desired, configure data storage, automatic or manual - upload or download.

    • If desired, configure device validation and data validation.

  7. Configure the port module parameters.

  8. Configure SIO digital in/out module parameters.

  9. Configure port status modules for IO-Link and digital IO.

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