IO-Link Master EIP Series Documentation

The following documentation is available for the IO-Link Master EtherNet/IP platform.


IO-Link Master Library for EtherNet/IP and Modbus/TCP

Rev B


This document contains installation and configuration procedures for all IO-Link Master models with EtherNet/IP and Modbus/TCP loaded.

In addition, it provides all of the reference information needed for the EtherNet/IP and Modbus/TCP interfaces.

PortVision DX User Guide

Rev B


This User Guide reflects the help system for the current version of PortVision DX.

Tech TipsDateDescription

IO-Link Master Initial Installation and Configuration

April 6, 2015


This contains installation and configuration procedures for IO-Link Masters:

  • Connecting the IOLM (power and network)

  • Using PortVision DX to program the IP address

  • Verifying the latest firmware is loaded

Loading IODD Files

May 11, 2015


This provides the step-by-step procedure to upload and manage IODD files.

Changing IO-Link Device Parameters Using the IO-Link Device – Port Table

May 31, 2016


This shows how to use the IO-Link Device - Port table to configure IO-Link device parameters. You must first load an IODD file to use the table for device configuration.

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