The following files have been modified from the GoAhead 2.1 distribution: security.c Added support for password authentication without user management feature being enabled. If user-management is not enabled, then there's a single password for the web-server (the username is ignored) rather than one per username. sockGen.c Fixed bug in allocation of fd_set data structures. uemf.h Moved #define if LIBKERN_INLINE so that it doesn't break eCos include files. Added UNIX to list of OSes for which O_BINARY is defined if it isn't aleady defined. (That way we can use "UNIX" on both Linux and Cygwin systems.) wsIntrn.h Added include of unistd.h. rom.c If path lookup fails, try prepending a "/" to path and then try again. This makes it tolerant of the illegal URLs generated by the java applets in the GoAhead example web pages. ECOS/main.c Changed return type of send() recv() functions to agree with eCos header files. Added call to set authentication method (along with include of um.h for required constant). Display all trace messages with diag_printf(). ECOS/Makefile Changed compiler/assembler flags. Added boot.s